I just got back from Philmont in New Mexico... Awesome place.
Hiked around for awhile, got to see alot of stuff...
A couple of the other guys got to see a mountain lion, but I didn't look up fast enough, it was already gone. So that was depressing.
I liked the minibears though.
Minibear: anything small, fuzzy, and wanting of your food.
These include chipmunks and squirrels.
I mostly saw chipmunks.
I caught a bunch of snakes at Fish Camp, but no fish. Lousy fish...
Awesome views on the hike from Fish Camp to Abreu.
Abreu officially has the best root beer anywhere in the world. Also for the cheapest price...
32 oz for $1.50?? Crazy!
I leave you with some LOL material. If you read XKCD, I'll give you a high-five.
That image is wonderful.
It is so depressingly accurate, though!